Restaurant de Olive Tree House ondervond problemen om hun restaurant sfeervol verlicht te krijgen. Men deed daarom het licht uit en stak kaarsjes- en kerstverlichting aan. Op het indirecte lijn-licht in het plafond had men oranje tape geplakt om het licht meer sfeervol te krijgen. Men vroeg zich af hoe men het licht professioneler kon aanpakken. In samenspraak met de Olive Tree House hebben we gekeken hoe we met kleine aanpassingen de ruimte mooi maar sfeervol konden verlichten. Het lijnlicht in het plafond is vervangen voor

de RGB+W Powerline. Ook is er een extra LED-lijn achter de bank geplaatst voor strijklicht over de wand. Om de ruimte meer te vullen te geven en deze  knus te maken zijn er 3 rotan lampen verwerkt die voorzien zijn van een RGB+W LED-lichtbol. Met alle lichtbronnen zijn lichtscenes gemaakt zodat men afhankelijk van het moment van de dag een juiste sfeer kan oproepen. DYDELL heeft van advies tot installatie verzorgd. Lees hier de ervaringen van de Olive Tree house.

The contact with Carolien and Kobbe began when they visited our Olive Tree House Restaurant  for dinner. We didn’t really talk about lights but we spoke of ambience and then came the information that they do lights and can show us a few things. As we were not aware what they actually do we asked ourselves how we could go about doing something that could improve the experience of our clients and give a characteristic ambience and atmosphere. Without actually engaging in an effort to make a sale on their side we made an appointment on location discussed mainly what we seek to achieve and saw some possible solutions and without any pressure or difficulty. Carolien and Kobbe came around with a possible action plan. Timely, precise and surgical! Surgical indeed! Two people that worked numerous hours in just two days with surgical precision in order to overcome all sorts of technical issues and in a restaurant that after those two days had to have the lights on, be clean and tidy to welcome its guests. To cut long short, they nailed it! Did it!

From the very first day with the new lights they did make an impression both to us and also to our clients. It’s been quite a few times that they even ask, where, who, how…The implementation, set up and operation is easy, programmable and not above all it does pay back as we ve already seen significant savings in our electricity bill.

The experience and contact was top notch, the service was great, the result issurpasable. If I recommend them…I think it’s profound but can make it even more. Yes I do! And if we had to do anything other with lights… I ll call them first!

Nikolas & Katerina (Olive Tree house)

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